Yep... decorating is fun and since I started my new studies in Ghent not long ago, here's the room tour!
First of all, the room looks small and it is. 11m² in total. But small rooms are great for me. It makes me get out of the house more and organize my stuff because I just don't have room for that clutter. And since I dream of a Tiny House (primary full-fledged homes on a small scale), I better get used to the square meters now (;
The metal framework that desperately demands attention when entering is the bed. I have a loft bed with cupboards and a sink underneath it. It gives more dimension to the room and I'm happy with it. The only downside: it's impossible to take anything with me when climbing into my cosy cocoon up there and not letting it drop. How many things I've already dropped down is shameful, especially for the time that I've been living in this house..
I hung fairy lights on the framework of the bed, they look cosy and give me a soft dim light in the evening.
This chair was such a pain. Let's skip the whole mission of putting it together and continue with the plant hangers.
The very aesthetic pleasing Pinterest made me want to make wall hangers for my plants. And since the wall was so bare white and I couldn't think of anything else useful to fill it, I headed to a textile shop. There I bought 120 meters of Hooked zpaghetti yarn and back home I dragged a wooden handle of an old broom up from the cellar. Armed with my tools, I followed this awesome tutorial by Good Growing. So there you have it, plant hangers! This plant mother is very satisfied with them.
The round pastel colored tapestry on the wall I made during a Smyrna stitch workshop with my sisters. Stitching it was so much fun and in the future I would like to practise it more!
The drawings on the wall are from the past month. You can check them out on the art page.
The actual study section, here I already spend a lot of time consuming online classes. The large desk and window are great. The window however is covered with a frosted glass film because the room faces the street sidewalk. I was worried I would miss the openness and view but in fact it bothers me less then I first thought.
In my room at my parents' house I have a forest wall poster and some of the leftovers I kept. I used it to fold origami birds and hung them on rope. And last but not least, I pinned some pictures of good old times on the wall! x
Thanks Kris! Love to hear that (:
I really like those planthangers Nele. Nicely done ! Where is the time that I rented a studentroom ?? Makes me dream ... 😊🤓